About the Journal

The journal “Iasaýı ýnıversıtetіnіń habarshysy” was created under the foundation of the university. On October 8, 1996, it was registered with the National Agency for Press and Mass Media of the Republic of Kazakhstan and issued certificate No. 232. Index No. 75637.

The journal was re-registered in 2015 in the Committee of Communications, Informatization and Information of the Ministry of Investment and Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan and issued certificate No. 232-G.

Since 2013, the journal has been registered in the ISSN center (International Standard Serial Number) in Paris. ISSN 2306-7365. e-ISSN 2664-0686.

Periodicity of the journal: quarterly 4 times a year. Edition of 200 copies.

The journal is indexed by the Kazakhstan citation Database of “National Center of Science and Technology Evaluation” (NCSTE).

Journal articles are registered in the CrossRef database, each article is assigned a DOI – a digital object identifier that is used to provide citations, links to electronic documents.

The scientific publication is also indexed on the international information resources ROOTINDEXING and Directory of Research Journal Indexing.

Kazakhstan and foreign scientists are represented in the editorial board of the journal.

Scientific articles are accepted in the journal from all organizations of Kazakhstan, Turkey, Russia, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, as well as other foreign countries in four languages (Kazakh, Turkish, Russian, English). Articles are published on the journal's website in full text in 4 languages.

The main purpose of the journal is to publish the results of current research in the field of social sciences and humanities, as well as to promote the development of research and exchange of information in the scientific areas of the university.

The task of the journal is to ensure accessibility and openness; to control the thematic focus and relevance of research.

Thematic focus of the journal – the journal publishes scientific and review articles with the results of research work in the field of national and world pedagogy, history, philosophy and philology.

The general topics of the journal issues are determined in agreement with the editorial board and scientific editors within the framework of the main directions of the scientific publication.

Frequency of publication of the manuscript

The journal “Iasaýı ýnıversıtetіnіń habarshysy” is published in the established terms in the online (electronic) and paper version 4 times a year (once every 3 months). Number 1 is published until March 30 of the current year, number 2 – until June 30 of the current year, number 3-until September 30 of the current year, and number 4-until December 30 of the current year, inclusive.

Publication of articles in the journal" Bulletin of yasawi University " is paid.

  • For authors of Khoja Akhmet Yassawı International Kazakh-Turkish University (teaching staff, researchers, undergraduates, doctoral students) - 10 000 tenge.
  • For foreign authors (private) - no fee is charged.
  • For authors of other institutions – 25 000 tenge.

Payment is made through Halyk Bank LTD. The payment receipt must be sent to the email address of the journal's editorial office.

Details of the AYU:

Institution “Khoja Akhmet Yassawi International Kazakh-Turkish University”

BIN: 990440008043, KBE 16

Halyk Bank of Kazakhstan LTD


IBAN: KZ436010291000010707

Address: B.Sattarkhanova Av. 29

KNP 859