Narratological Perspective on Death and Grief in Children's Literature: “The Ghost Postman” Example

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  • Fatih Veyis Ataturk University
  • Sebile Alkyr High School of Erzurum under the Ministry of National Education


Ghost Postman, Children's literature, the world of children, death, mourning, subconscious.


“The Ghost Postman” to be analyzed is a children's picture story book. The
adventure of a child in the process of mourning in this book, in which he accepts death by using his
imagination with the help of his mother, also carries a reference to sleep, which is the most
important door that opens to the subconscious. While the story was being told, the pictures were
also spoken. The subject of death, which is widely covered and general, is incomprehensible like
other abstract concepts in the world of children. Losing and mourning a loved one causes mental
trauma, even for adults, while the loss of a parent seems more difficult for a child to understand and
accept. However, the child who looks at death from his own world, from the game window, accepts
this fact more easily. Because he lives in a world with no borders, intertwined with dreams and
reality, and he has decorated it with his dreams. In Ghost Postman, the child's exit from this
mourning process is explained and made more evident with pictures. The theme of this story,
written by Nurgul Atesh, is love, and it is intended to convey the message that people can overcome
all difficulties with the power of love, overcome the difficulties encountered, and turn negativities
into beauty by imagining.


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