Novel Methods of Teaching Biology Based on Project Research Works

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  • B. Abdrassilov Khoja Akhmet Yassawi International Kazakh-Turkish University
  • N. Salybekova Khoja Akhmet Yassawi International Kazakh-Turkish University
  • Sh. Tursynkhojayeva Khoja Akhmet Yassawi International Kazakh-Turkish University


science, scientific research work, a method of monoproject, design technology, educational project, genetics, hereditary patterns.


The article presents a methodology for implementing the project technology used in the
educational process of students of the natural science direction of grades 6-8, 10, in order to
introduce them to science. Also, the course and stages of the organization of research work with
their application in the learning process were reflected. The methods of implementation of the
project in the classroom, in extra-curricular time, the derivation of the project results, the criteria for
its evaluation, and the stages of the lesson were analyzed. During the implementation of the project
work, the formation of the student's skills of organizing research, identifying problems and the
ability to solve them independently were improved. The analysis of the forms of organizing a
biology lesson using technology and methods of studying the laws of genetics, research of species
of medicinal plants, the formation of cytological, physiological concepts using a mono-project was
carried out. Criteria for protection, argumentation, and assessment of project results are given.


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