Names of Turkish Origin in Terms of Meaning Fields in the Kokşetav Copy of «Divân-ı Hikmet»

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Akhmet Yassawi, Diwan-i Hikmet, Kokshetaw Copy, Vocabulary, Names.


This article examines the vocabulary of the Kokshetav copy of the main work of
one of the prominent figures of Turkic literature Khoja Akhmet Yassawi as «Diwan-i Hikmet»
(Divân-ı Hikmet), and also examines the words of Turkic origin, which make up most of the
vocabulary of the work. In particular, about three hundred words of Turkic origin in Hikmet were
classified by meaning, semantic meanings were analyzed taking into account cultural and ethnic
properties. The words used in «Diwan-i Hikmet», which do not have an independent meaning, but
whose meanings are revealed when establishing semantic relations in a sentence, were distributed
not according to grammatical rules, but according to the meanings they denote: such as orientation,
uncertainty, similarity, equality, preference, style, causality, presence-absence The number of words
related to each semantic group and the frequency of their use were determined, special attention was
paid to semantic groups with a rich vocabulary. At the same time, the features of the work were
noted as the place of the words included in each semantic group in the vocabulary of «Diwan-i
Hikmet», their emotional and expressive power. Such artistic means as phraseology, metaphor,
comparison, epithet, idiom used in the language of the monument indicate that Yassawi skillfully
used words and reflects his peculiar stylistic features and the richness of the vocabulary of the

