Empathy as an Important Quality of Managers in Pedagogical Sphere

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management, pedagogical sphere, empathy, education system, emotional intelligence.


This article describes the features of the manager's emotional sphere. The quality of
empathy has been studied as an important component of the emotional sphere. The article lists the
names of the authors of theoretical and experimental studies on this topic. There are also
explanations of the management process, the concept of empathy and the professional activities of a
teacher. Managers of the teaching staff were selected as the study sample. The nature of teachers'
empathy in the management system is analyzed. On the basis of the research method, the features of
the emotional intelligence of the leaders of the pedagogical sphere are also studied. In particular, it
has been studied that the ability to penetrate other people's emotional fields is based on visible
aspects of emotional intelligence. The author, purpose and general description of the method used
are given on the basis of psychological research on the chosen topic. Based on each method, the
obtained data are analyzed and conclusions are drawn. The indicators obtained on the basis of the
study are analyzed quantitatively and qualitatively. Managers in the field of education were selected
as research papers. The results of the study will have theoretical and practical value for the leaders
of the pedagogical sphere. In particular, recommendations based on the results of the study will help
increase the empathy of managers.



