Abay and Alash: Continuity of Traditions

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  • А. Ismakova Institute of Literature and Art named after M. Auezov
  • К. Berkimbayev Khoja Akhmet Yassawi International Kazakh-Turkish University
  • S. Seitman Khoja Akhmet Yassawi International Kazakh-Turkish University
  • Nurullah Chetin Ankara University


традиция, преемственность, Шакарим, Алихан, Ахмет, Мыржакып, Магжан, Алаш, духовная путеводная звезда.


In the article, the authors based on a deep analysis of the concepts of «Tradition», «Continuity of traditions», reveal the educational nature of the creative work of the spiritual leader of the
Kazakh people, Hakim Abay, his influence on the formation of Kazakh literature of the early twentieth century and the ideas of Alash figures as individuals. At the same time, on the basis of
literary analysis of Abay's knowledge and familiarization with his works, the great education and dedication of Alashorda writers is described. This confirms their primacy in the scientific study of
Abay. The article notes the important role of Alash in Abay studies, Abay in Alash studies in the ideology of new Kazakhstan. In assessing the opinions of scientists, the authors of the article
determine the relevance of the chosen topic. In conclusion, they formulate their own ideas for the preservation of national consciousness that meet the requirements of modern society. Pursuant to the statement of Kassym-Zhomart Tokayev – the Head of the state – about New Kazakhstan brand creation, the authors scientifically substantiate that preserving the continuity of Abay and Alash heritage giving priority to the national code will be a guide for the country's youth in the era of globalization.


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