The Unıversal Messages of the Prophet Muhammad [Pbuh]

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  • Casim Avci Khoja Akhmet Yassawi International Kazakh-Turkish University


The Prophet Muhammad, Islam, universal message, tawhîd, morality, justice, knowledge, peace, human rights.


The Last Prophet Muhammad [pbuh] is sent as a prophet to all mankind, both for
the people of his time and all people that is going to live until the day of resurrection. His universal
messages, that is presented to all people, are matters that are found on The Quran, which is the last
divine book that is sent by Allah. Prophet Muhammad’s [Pbuh] messages, which he presented via
both his words and actions, are going to be protected in terms of their validity and importance, until
the day of resurrection. In this article, his messages that concern about the belief of tawhid
[uniquennes of Allah], morality, justice, knowledge, peace and human rights will be focused on.
The belief of tawhid, is the common message that is spread by all the prophets, from the first
prophet Adam to the last prophet Muhammad [pbuh]. Tawhid, meaning that accepting Allah as the
only one that is going to be worshipped, is the basis of servitude towards Allah. A complete
morality is the fundamental part of being a good human being and a good muslim. Prophet
Muhammad [pbuh], is the most beautiful example for a complete morality since his morality is
Quran sourced. Justice, the indispensable element of a proper society, is an essential matter for a
state to remain. Cruelty, the opposite of justice, is such a disease for society. Knowledge [‘ilm], the
common property of humanity, is one of the main way to reach at the truth. It should be concerned that applying knowledge on practice is as much important as achieving it. To live in peace and safety is a need for humanity since the beginning of it. Islam, as a religion of peace, advises to provide peace in the individual, in the family, in the society, in and between the states. Human rights, also, is one of the most basic principles of Islam. The religion of Islam ensures the basic natural rights of the individual being. Matters such as the followings are subjects of Islam’s human rights understanding: safety of life and property, freedom of religion and belief, private life, fair judgment, protection of physical and mental health.

