Features of Representation of Color Names in Kazakh and English Toponyms

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  • А. Meyirbekov Khoja Akhmet Yassawi International Kazakh-Turkish University
  • А. Smatova
  • B. Tileuberdiyev M. Auezov South Kazakhstan University


Kazakh, English, place-name, color, culture, category, ethnic group, onyms.


This article deals with the study of toponyms of Kazakh and English toponymy in the context of cognitive linguistics and the mechanism of interpretation of representation and perception of color names in toponyms and the principles of construction of these mechanisms. Toponyms are analyzed as a speech expression processed in the consciousness of the linguistic image of the worldthe relationship of man and the environment. The modern stage of place names in cognitive research includes the consideration of language as one of the cognitive subsystems and onomastic vocabulary in the formulation of surrounding truths. The composition of the national toponymic picture of the world determines the motivation of the land-water names made in relation to the color names. Studying the combination of onym appellation, nominated from the attributes of the colors used in both languages. The color designation in toponyms is considered in connection with the peculiarities of
geographical objects and their perception by human visual organs. Due to the fact that the external world is transmitted to different peoples in the form of specific idioethnic patterns, in place names
of different ethnic groups, color symbols are recognized by new facets. The article discusses the color characteristics of the space in the names earth-water, given as a sample. Various approaches
to the nature of the color components of geographical names are analyzed, and the possibility of symbolic and orientational interpretation of color is shown. The fact that the color in toponyms can serve as an orientation function, and not just as an indicator of the horizon side, also does not go unnoticed. The toponyms also present the results of research related to the nature of the object in
which the symbolism of color orientation is nominated.


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