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  • А. SEITBEKOVA Akhmet Baitursynov Institute of Linguistics
  • А. AMIRBEKOVA Akhmet Baitursynov Institute of Linguistics


Alphabet, Arabic words, Persian words, phonetic variants, spelling.


Unification of different spelling of words is one of the most important problem in
Kazakh linguistics. Especially noticeable is the number of words that occur in different spelling
variants, in loanwords from Arabic and Persian origin. The heterogeneity and diversity of the
spelling of borrowed words in the practice of writing remains an unsolved problem among linguists.
In this regard, the purpose of our study is to identify the reasons for the use of Arabic, Persian words that are written in different versions of the same meaning, and an attempt to designate the
main variant when switching to a new Latin alphabet.
It is known that different spellings of words often occur between modern literary language
and dialects. Regardless of the types of phonetic phenomena found in the dialects of our language,
in general they are intertwined with the phonetic development of the Turkic languages. Therefore,
the article analyzes the processes of mastering, starting from ancient and medieval Turkic written
monuments and the features of the transition to modern Turkic languages. In order to determine the
main variant, linguistic and statistical studies of phonetic variants of b/p, p/f are carried out on the
basis of the «Large Explanatory Dictionary of the Kazakh literary language». The results of the
study can serve in the unification of spelling norms of borrowed words, as well as the necessary
linguistic information in the development of various dictionaries. 

