The Sacred Space of Mangystau: the Content of Unusual Epitaphs

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  • M.T. Shokhayev Gumilyov Eurasian National University
  • B.I. Nurdauletova Sh. Yesenov Caspian University of Technology and Engineering


The article presents a meaningful division of translations of unusual epitaphs found in the Shakpak ata rock mosque, Sisem ata pantheon, Karaman ata necropolis during expeditions to the sacred places of Mangystau. The translation of the records in the found stone was compared with the published results of the previous study and translation, and some adjustments were made. The epitaphs provided examples of the fact that the question raised and the reflections in it are linked to the work of local poets and zhyrau, have a common worldview, and border within the Sufi current of Islam. During the research proposals were formulated to turn some elementary concepts into a scientific problem, considering them from a different angle. Special attention was paid to the specifics of the religious context concerning the uniqueness of epitaphs, which are considered the main requirement to become an object of literary studies. When considering the epitaph of the peoples of the East, especially the peoples of Islam, importance was attached to the importance of a fundamental approach to the principles of religion. The semantic analysis of the accumulated epitaphs was carried out with an emphasis on keywords, the purpose of writing the found epitaphs was predicted and a reference was made to the religious basis of the national worldview in a space that has not lost its sacredness both in antiquity and at the present time.

