Development of Social Activity of Future Physical Education Teachers in the Updated Content of Education

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  • Zholdasbekov A.A. M. Auezov South-Kazakhstan University
  • Zhumabekov R.K. Miras University


social activity, updated educational content, future physical education teacher, educational process, competence, functions of social activity, student.


This article deals with the problem of the formation of the social activity of the student's personality in the process of educational activity at the university. The problem of forming a socially active position of a modern student, i.e. a future physical education teacher at a university, is relevant, since at present the role of a physical education teacher prevails in the
education of schoolchildren. In this regard, the issues presented to the competence of future teachers of physical culture, their personal and professional qualities, the ability to moral formation in sports
and pedagogical activities, to be active in relation to certain things, to introduce schoolchildren to physical culture, to form a stable habit of physical improvement among students are discussed.
Particular importance is attached to the fact that in the conditions of updated education, the training of physical education teachers in the higher education system requires the successful implementation of social interaction, the reauthorization of their role in the team, the establishment
of business communication, building and implementing the trajectory of self-development, maintaining the proper level of physical fitness to ensure full-fledged social and professional activities.
Special attention is paid to the updated content of education and social activity as a systemic property of a self-organizing system, which can manifest itself in the interrelation of competencies
that ensure the emergence and self-determination of internal energy in the social interaction of a student with the educational environment. The dynamics of social activity of future physical education teachers is manifested in the formation of the position of the subject of social activity in
the process of educational and professional activities, accompanied by the development of their competencies related to social activity.
The updated content of the training reflects models, systems and methods for the development of social activity of future physical education teachers. As a result of experimental work, the levels of social activity of future physical education teachers are determined. The article analyzes the
results of this study.



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ISSN-p 2306-7365

ISSN-e 2664-0686


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