Formation of the Scientific Knowledge of the Students in the Study of Microclonal Reproduction of Apple Rootstocks

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  • Turmetova G.Zh. Khoja Akhmet Yassawi International Kazakh-Turkish University
  • Mamadaliyev А.Sh. Khoja Akhmet Yassawi International Kazakh-Turkish University


design method, laboratory work, microclonal reproduction, apple rootstocks, nutrient medium, explant, regerant, sterilization.


The article presents a methodology for implementing the design method in the educational process in order to direct students to research work. The design method allows students to organize cognitive activity based on personal experience, and also contributes to the development
of behavioral qualities such as independence, curiosity, the development of social skills in the process of group interaction, research, the formation of creative thinking, the formation of intellectual, information, communication skills.
Analyzing the subtleties of the combination of education and science, special laboratory work has been developed for conducting research work of students. In the process of forming research competence, students acquired a number of practical skills: the ability to work according to plan,
independent work skills, the ability to work with laboratory equipment, etc. The features of improving the quality and efficiency of the educational process through the organization of laboratory work as a condition for the development of arbitrary qualities in the field of biology are considered.
Based on the analysis of diagnostic results at the ascertaining and control stages of the level of cognitive activity of students during laboratory work:
- low-level indicators in the group decreased from 34% to 10%;
- indicators of the average level of activity decreased from 49% to 42;
- indicators of a high level of cognitive activity increased from 17% to 48. As a result of the research work, an experimental diagnostic analysis was carried out.



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