Organization of Laboratory Work on the Basis of an Elective Course in Physics

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  • Abdraimov R.T. M. Auezov South-Kazakhstan University
  • Ualikhanova B.S. South Kazakhstan State Pedagogical University


elective course, specialized training, electrodynamics, specialized class, training in the professional direction, physical laboratory work, physical experiment.


The article describes the purpose of organizing an elective physics course for students of the 10th grade of Secondary School. At the same time, it is determined that the need for specialized training begins with high school. After all, the issue of admission of graduates to higher education institutions, the correct choice of the future profession, the presence of interest in this profession is relevant. In this study, special attention was paid to specialties in the field of Electrical Engineering. On the basis of this, the school organized an elective course in the technical direction,
which became the basis for calling it «applied electrodynamics». At the same time, the hours, deadlines, and goals of the elective course are determined and presented in the article. Based on the organized methodology, one sample of laboratory work is presented. In the presented sitting
laboratory work, the tasks of determining the dependence of a person's electrical resistance on the frequency of the applied voltage and assessing the risk of electric shock are presented. Students get acquainted with the dependence of the total resistance of the human body and the current flowing through it on the frequency of the applied voltage. In the course of this work, students of the school study the two-phase touch of a person to an alternating current network, the touch of a person to one
phase of a three-phase network with a grounded neutral and the currents passing through the human body when a person contacts one phase of a three-phase network with an isolated neutral.



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