Genre-compositional Panorama of D. Isabekov's Drama «Zhauzhurek»

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  • B. Sultanova Kazakh National Women’s Teacher Training University


drama, action, remark, remark, conflict, images, psychology, play.


The article deals with the play by D. Isabekov «Zhauzhurek», on the example of which the
development of Kazakh drama, the creation of images, ways of transmitting conflicts are analyzed. The main character of the play «Zhauzhurek» is Baluan Sholak, whose artistic image was created by the playwright on the basis of historical data about his personality. As a result of the analysis, the playwright revealed a deep knowledge of genre conditions. Analyzed the play by D. Isabekov and its artistic features. This work thematically and
artistically reveals human nature. The play «Zhauzhurek» with historical accuracy and special artistic power depicts the tragic fate of our people through the image of the artist of the word of the XIX century Baluan Sholak. The life of a great figure who is a national pride is connected with historical events. The fate of Baluan Sholak is displayed in the flow of time, there is a mixture of historical and artistic realities. The playwright took the fate of the country and the fate of the hero as the basis of the plot. In fact, we see that the issues that concerned the Kazakhs a century ago are still relevant for modern society. Therefore, the play makes the viewer think, immerses in the meaning of life. This work is a spiritual heritage of our country, a measure of culture.


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