The Role of Artistic and Design Competence in Preparing a Future Design Professional Educator

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  • Abisheva O.T. Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University


competence, competence, art-project competence, professional training, integration, interdisciplinary relationship.


The rapid development of science and technology is having an impact on all areas of society. Nowadays design occupies a dominant place in human life and activity and becomes an important factor influencing the formation of a new reality.
The relevance of the problem of training teachers of professional education in the field of design is the need for educational services in the field of design. The teachers of professional education in design, possessing professional competences in accordance with modern requirements,
are in great demand on the labor market. Modern education is a renewed content and modernization of the educational system, as well as the use of digital, innovative technologies and methods.
International experience is implementing integrated learning or interdisciplinary approach which allows increasing learning motivation in achieving high results in the educational process and learning. Interdisciplinary links are part of a modern teaching system.
Orientation of the education system towards competency-based approach, the need to improve the conditions for enhancing the effectiveness and quality of professional education teacher training in design require understanding and specification of the requirements for a professional education teacher in the field of design. The aim of the article is to consider the art and design aspect of the professional design teacher activity with a theoretical substantiation of the structural and content model of formation of art and design competency of a professional education teacher in the field of design.


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