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  • SERDALI B.K. Khoja Akhmet Yassawi International Kazakh-Turkish University


layout, printed edition, design, composition, page design, layout, newspaper composition.


Decades ago, people hurried to read newspapers. He was ready to count to the last penny in order to buy an interesting edition. At that time, the format and size of the newspaper were different, external beauty was not paid much attention to, it was strict, standard, gray. There were long columns and sloppy lyrics. However, the public was interested in the abundance of news on the pages of the publication. It is not easy to please the modern reader. Television, radio, computers, various CD-MD-DVD players, satellite and cable TV channels attract audiences and make periodicals uncompetitive. However, editors of newspapers and magazines tend to compete and consider different ways to meet the needs of the reader. Undoubtedly, there is room for an attractive design of the publication. The designer and layout designer of a newspaper can be compared to an architect and a builder, and the main elements of the design of a newspaper can be compared to the bricks from which a building is being built, that is, a newspaper issue. Designers and layout designers solve a complex of problems related to the plan of this construction – with the composition of numbers and bands, with the placement of materials, etc. The composition of the pages depends on the composition of the entire issue of the newspaper, which in turn is determined by the content of the published materials and their nature. In almost every newspaper, a more or less stable composition is gradually taking shape, which means the design of the pages, the main sections and headings characteristic of this publication. The article discusses some methods of layout of newspapers and magazines.


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