Methods of Effective Use of Films in the Formation of Linguistic and Intercultural Communication Competencies

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  • Z. Zhumatayeva Nazarbayev University
  • S. Zhumatayeva Khoja Akhmet Yassawi International Kazakh-Turkish University


Intercultural communicative competence, Film, Kazakh Language, Culture, Education, Methodology, Ability.


This study presents an analysis of the theory of the development of intercultural
competence and the theory of the use of films in the formation of intercultural communicative
competence in teaching foreign languages, as well as approbation of the method of using films in
content courses for the formation of this competence in the courses of the Kazakh language. The
development of intercultural communicative competence is the development of the ability to build
harmonious and productive relationships between representatives of different cultures. Intercultural
competence, recognized as one of the key components of learning in the new century, increases the
need to adapt teaching methods and materials in order to increase the intercultural awareness of
future professionals. To be competitive in the international arena, to be ready for new opportunities
and various challenges, modern young professionals need to be able to form and develop skills of
interaction and cooperation in a multicultural environment, intercultural and business relations,
critical thinking, and the development of skills in the use of advanced digital technologies.
The results of a study conducted as part of the course “Cultural Studies and Kazakh Culture”
with the participation of 45 advanced level students showed that the practice of intercultural
competence develops their positive attitude towards their culture and the culture of other countries
and encourages them to develop general language competence.


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