Analysis Novels of Orkhan Kemal in the Context of Socialist Realism

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  • E. Zhiyenbayev Khoja Akhmet Yassawi International Kazakh-Turkish University
  • Z. Abishova Khoja Akhmet Yassawi International Kazakh-Turkish University


Turkish literature, Orhan Kemal, the socialist-realistic view, the reality of life, the Republican Period, text analysis.


The genre of the short story appeared in modern Turkish literature at the end of the XIX century. Orhan Kemal is one of the realist writers of Turkish literature, known for his short stories during the Republican period. You can see that the socialist-realistic approach prevails in his stories. In his stories, along with his past, he realistically described the lives of people from the lower and middle classes who lived around him and managed to convey to his readers real situations in society. His position was not to create art or make a profit, but to convey facts.
The stories discussed in this article were analyzed from the point of view of mentality, structure, theme, language and method of narration, studied in the context of text and tradition, intertextual relations, meaning and interpretation. The purpose of the research is to reveal the significance of the author–work–society connection with reference to the scientific works of Professor-literary critic Sherif Aktash concerning text analysis (theory and practice).


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