Al-Farabi's Philosophy of the «Four Virtues» that Lead to Happiness

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  • Zh. Sandybayev Egyptian University of Islamic Culture Nur-Mubarak
  • S. Abzhalov Khoja Akhmet Yassawi International Kazakh-Turkish University
  • K. Berkimbayev Khoja Akhmet Yassawi International Kazakh-Turkish University


Al-Farabi, a person, society, Imam, four virtues, leader, happiness, knowledge, philosopher, fair, Greek thinkers, scientist.


The article is dedicated to the great philosopher al-Farabi's philosophy of the “four virtues” that lead to happiness in the city. The scientist tells the secret of the «four virtues» that lead the people of the city to a happy life in this world and great happiness in the next. The people of this city do not commit crimes, they love to do good, the members of the society are polite and the leader is fair. In order to create such a society, people need to master the «four virtues» – theoretical, intellectual, ethical and practical arts. Al-Farabi personally reveals these four virtues and describes the methods of imparting them to the people. He then explains what «happiness» is and how to achieve it in order for people to be happy.
The philosopher describes what it means to be a leader who leads such a good nation to happiness. He is fair, polite, educated, eloquent and a philosopher.


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