Alternative Definition of Understanding Jihad

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  • Zh. Askhatuly L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University
  • О. Samet L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University


jihad, Qur'an, Islam, prophet, literalism, radicalism, religion, concept, fard ain, fard kifaya, harb, kital, environmental political jihad, humanitarian jihad, international anti-terrorism jihad, fasad, fitna.


Today, the term jihad is considered a unilaterally geopolitical concept in the interests of powers. In the beginning of the XXI century in the result of the 11th of September this term is interpreted as part of the war in the West. In recent years, this term has also been introduced into the circle of Islamic science and it has a political character. As a result, the concept of jihad has become narrower, is defined regarding the holy war of Islam and is formed as a way of manifesting true evil. Thanks to the rapid dissemination of any information, today it becomes necessary to correctly define the term «jihad» in the media.
The basic principles of jihad can be used in the daily life of any society. These principles are set out in the article: environmental political jihad, humanitarian jihad and international anti-terrorism jihad. Examples from scientific studies of such outstanding scientists as sociologist Anthony Giddens and theologians Rizvan Maxim and Rashid Reed, as well as the results of studies of international organizations are given.
In general, having carefully studied other aspects, it is possible to distinguish jihad from its modern definition and highlight new areas through which jihad can have a positive impact on societies. That is why the article carefully considers the semantic concept of the term «jihad», adopted by classical Islamic scholars, with examples of the positive impact of jihad on the development of society as a whole.
In addition, the concept of jihad can be considered as a mechanism that plays an important role in solving environmental problems, ecology, injustice, human rights violations, as well as the importance and peculiarity of jihad in Islam and its unique role in the person.


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