Problems of Spirituality and Immortality in the Works of Ch. Aitmatov

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  • J. Bakashova National Library of Kyrgyz Republic named after A. Osmonov


Kyrgyz literature, spirituality, the tragedy of the world, creativity, era, spiritual foundations, national image.


The article is devoted to the phenomenon of spirituality of creativity of the great contemporary writer Ch.T. Aitmatov. It is noted that the problem of morality, spirituality excites the Kyrgyz writer, he raises it in all his works of art, in numerous journalistic materials. Reading the lines of the great writer, we reflect on Man, on the Universe, on the «ecology of the soul», on good and evil, on honor and treachery, on peace and war, on life and death, on love and happiness. The heroes of his works Dzhamilya, Duishen, Tolgonay, Tanabai ... – passionate people, living in full breath, «stormy». In the article on the example of the work «The Day Lasts More Than a Hundred Years» the problem of spirituality and immortality of ordinary mortal man is considered, which, in the opinion of Ch. Aitmatov, consists in his ability to preserve memory. With the help of the «stormy» metaphor, Ch. Aitmatov tells us about the «stormy» life, full of hardships and difficulties, and the fate of people living on the stormy stop. The phenomenon of Aitmatov’s spirituality is valuable for humanity, since, according to the writer, the life of all Mankind on Earth depends on the ecology of the human soul.


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