Pedagogical and Psychological Concepts of the Category «Spiritual Worldview» and «Spirituality»

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  • B. Paridinova Korkyt Ata Kyzylorda University


spiritual worldview, spirituality, education, upbringing, society, consciousness, thinking, existence.


The problem of developing the spiritual worldview and spirituality was the development of society at all stages. The spiritual worldview and spirituality of the individual, teachers in society 162
changed depending on the level of the social structure of the state and its ideology, religious and secular views, the development of pedagogical science. Therefore, the spiritual worldview and spirituality of the whole society is one of the most important characteristics of the pedagogical preparation of the individual. The research problem is relevant in the framework of the program «Rukhani zhangyru». Therefore, we believe that a set of activities under the program is the core of this topic. Spiritual worldview and spirituality is the most important issue in the context of globalization. The purpose of this article is to generalize and systematize this problem, to determine the role and place of the spiritual worldview and spirituality. To achieve the purpose, this study discusses some of the findings of scientists on the problem of spiritual worldview and spirituality in
education. The discussed fundamental principles of development and existing scientific works on the problem of spiritual worldview and spirituality. Many actual issues can be considered in the notion of concept since these categories has not yet been studied in science. In this article special attention is paid to spiritual worldview and spirituality and its basic concepts, which is one of the most important problems in pedagogy and psychology. The article the relevance and importance of theoretical understanding of the data category. Presented some theoretical problems of the formation and preservation of spiritual worldview and spirituality.


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