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  • M. MUNASSIPOVA Khoja Akhmet Yassawi International Kazakh-Turkish University
  • S. YDYRYS Khoja Akhmet Yassawi International Kazakh-Turkish University


management, human resource, labor force, employment, education, economics


The problems of managing the labor market and the employment of the population are given considerable attention by scientists, economists, philosophers, and sociologists. Despite the versatility of research, the problems of human resource management and improving organizational and economic management mechanisms remain insufficiently developed. Only at the regional level of management can we find effective ways to solve the most acute problems of building high-quality labor potential and rational use of labor resources by developing various programs and coordinating the activities of the relevant services.
The main discrepancy between the education system and the labor market comes from the lack of forecasting methods in the workforce and imperfections of the mechanisms of social partnership. This is due to the insufficient funding of educational institutions and lack of job security for graduates. In addition, the low level of education of the economically active population of the region, the insufficiently developed training system for innovative industries, the undeveloped employment system for graduates contributing to the imbalance in the labor market, i.e. with a general quantitative prevalence of labor supply over demand, the most important sectors of the economy were not provided with the required amount of qualified specialists.
The purpose of this study is to substantiate the theoretical and methodological aspects of human resources management and labor potential, to develop proposals and recommendations for improving its organizational and economic mechanism


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