Artistic Searches of the Description of National Character in Modern Kazakh Prose

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  • Islam D.А. Khoja Akhmet Yassawi International Kazakh-Turkish University
  • Narmetova S.G. Khoja Akhmet Yassawi International Kazakh-Turkish University


Eternal country, the concept of humanity, small genre, national consciousness, philosophy of worldview.


One of the historical foundations of the idea of Mangilik El (Eternal country) is the concept of Alash-Kazakh-Human studies, which has become our national ideology. The concept of Alash studies is related to the typical categories of biology, humanity in the literature. The concept of humanity is measured by moral values in the context of the philosophy of life. The article deals with the description of the idea of «Humanity» in prose works, which stimulates civic consciousness on the basis of Alash-Kazakh studies. The traditional way of Humanity and biology in fiction is reflected in the small genre of prose. The descriptive methods of Alash-Human studies
idea in the literary text are analyzed in detail through the analysis of the modern subgenre. The factors influencing the formation of alien characters are reflected in the dialogue and monologue of the character, the author's speech and the situation of the story in modern Kazakh story. The fact
that the protagonist is often seen among the population also contributes to the growth of social activity. The analysis of the article directs the question of how the writer can play a national character with the philosophical foundations of humanity, which can deal with such a pressing issue
of public consciousness. The stylistic individuality of the writer in his artistic searches, the novelty of linguistics in the depiction of worldview and metaphorical ideas are considered in conjunction with the methods of mastery.In the literature, a scientific examination was conducted on that
humanity-biography, combined with the concept of the work, reveals the reasons for the actions that the characters make from a variety of life moments, or vice versa, are alien to humanity. This, in turn, is interpreted as a simple way to preserve national identity, to revive traditions, to perfect the consciousness of the people in the modern era of globalization and capitalist. In each work of the author, a scientific and cognitive analysis of the word of consciousness was carried out, in which the worldview philosophy in the integrity of Biography–Kazakh–Human studies can return to the national mentality and form a state ideology.



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