Reflection of the National Mentality in Kazakh Paremies and Their Semantic Commonality With Paremies in Turkic Languages

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  • Chobanoglu О. Hacettepe University
  • Ashirkhanova K. Kh. Dosmukhamedov Atyrau University
  • Dinayeva B. Astana IT University


paremia, Turkic peoples, Turkic languages, common way of thinking, common proverbs and sayings, intercultural communication, national culture, phonetic specificity, lexico-grammatical specificity, general invariant, separate variant.


The article examines the reflection of the national mentality in Kazakh paremies
and the paremies common to Turkic languages. The national and cultural peculiarities of the Turkic
peoples are determined through the paremia. The authors conduct a linguistic analysis of paroemias
that are similar both in subject matter and in form. Compare and analyze their linguistic community,
similarity. In the semantics of proverbs and sayings in Kazakh, Tatar, Turkish, Turkmen, Uzbek, Uighur, Azerbaijani, Kyrgyz languages, the main attention is paid to the image of national culture. It is analyzed that the commonality and linguistic identity of proverbs and sayings in the Turkic languages belong to a certain pattern, a historical source. They note that the Turkic paremias are semantically congruent, although there is no absolute coincidence. Analyze by examples that phonetic, lexical and grammatical features are expressed in accordance with linguistic patterns in Turkic paroemias. Individual variants of the Turkic general invariant in paremias were analyzed using linguistic facts. The presence of the full version of proverbs and sayings in one of the related languages, and in the other-an abbreviated version in one language, is shown using specific language data. Analyzes various changes in the components of proverbs and sayings of the Turkic languages. The authors consider lexico-semantic, grammatical and phonetic deviations associated with the independent development of Turkic languages by analyzing Turkic paroemias, which differ in structure and composition, but have a common system of logical thought, as a natural phenomenon.



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