Cognitive Basis of the Textbook Language: Psycholinguistic Analysis (Based on the Subjects of Natural Sciences)

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  • А. Amanbayeva Institute of Linguistics named after Akhmet Baitursynuly
  • Zh. Shaimerdenova


psycholinguistics, pedagogy, textbook, cognition, physics, algebra, geography.


Kazakhstani scientists are working on improvement of the quality of textbooks updating the content of education. Consequently, there are accomplishments in the field of textbook quality as well as drawbacks. A high-quality textbook is the basis of education, a strong pillar of the
future of our country. Various publishers, methodologists and teachers put a lot of effort in improvement of the textbook quality. For this purpose, the Republican Center for Examination of the Content of Scientific and Practical Education has launched a research project on the topic ‘Psycholinguistic Requirements for the Language, Textual and Non-textual Apparatus of
Educational Literature’. In the framework of the project, textbooks in the fields of humanities and natural sciences were analyzed. This article was carried out as a part of aforementioned project. It provides a scientific and methodological perspective on psycholinguistic analysis of the textual and
non-textual apparatus of textbooks. A psycholinguistic analysis of modern school textbooks, including natural sciences: algebra, physics and geography. Furthermore, the following questions were raised: does the textbook correspond the child's knowledge and understanding? Does it have any disadvantages or discrepancies? The correspondence of the content and volume of the text in the textbook to the student's knowledge, the correct construction and interpretation of the sentence from a linguistic point of view were also considered. To sum up, the analysis reveals pros and cons of modern textbooks.



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