Expression of the Theme of Kinship and Heroism in the Poems of Fariza Ongarsynova

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  • Y. Zhienbayev Khoja Akhmet Yassawi International Kazakh-Turkish University
  • Z. Asanova Khoja Akhmet Yassawi International Kazakh-Turkish University


poetry in Kazakh literature, folklore, poetry analysis, person element, national identity.


The theme of patriotism has a special place in the poems of Fariza Ongarsynova, one of the most popular poets in Kazakh literature in the 1960s. The fiery poems of the poet, who has a tender soul and sharp words, widely describe the past history and heroic events of the nation.
People's writer of Kazakhstan, public figure, laureate of the State Prize named after Abai, outstanding poet Fariza Ongarsynova is one of the most famous lyric poets in Kazakh literature, as well as an example for contemporaries and the next generation of poets and writers. The poet, who wrote in various content and won everyone's hearts with her works, was mentioned in various articles and works about her poems. However, all of them were about her literary genre and her aesthetical feature. In this study, we tried to prove that we can use Fariza Ongarsınova’s works as
valuable information to study and learn the folklore of Kazakh people. By specifying the folkloric elements in her poems, the way of using them in poetry will be examined. General information will be given by determining the poems written for relative’s names and heroes. “Anany zhoqtau” (The
mourning for mother), “Anamen qoshtasu” (Farewell to mother), “Agalar” (Brothers), “Keybir zhengeyler” (Some sister’s in law), “Ake turaly oi” (The thought about father) the importance and relations of kinship in poems and the way they are told in poetry, “Qabanbay Batyr”, “Isataiga” (to
Isatai), “Almas qylysh nemese men Mahambetpen qalay kezdestim” (Blade-sword or how I meet Mahambet), “Qyran turaly zhyr” (Epic about an eagle), “Qazaqtyn’ batyrlary” (Kazakh’s heroes) poems will examine the historical heroes of Kazakh people and the way the poet depicts them.



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