The Problem of Improving the Competence of Schools and Teachers in the Context of Digital Education

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  • G.B. Isabekova M.H. Dulati Taraz Regional University
  • N.T. Duisenova M.H. Dulati Taraz Regional University


digital education, digital school, digital teacher competence, teacher professional development, digital education technology, digital school concept.


Digitalization in the field of education has added the information and
communication competence of a teacher to the number of professional requirements for teachers.
The article considers the importance of the digital school and the digital competencies of teachers in digital education, based on state programmes and a survey conducted by the authors among the subject teachers involved in the implementation of trilingual education in secondary education
institutions. The opinions of subject teachers about the role of digital learning technologies in the educational process, its application, the digital competence of the teacher, the organization of advanced training in informative-communicational technologies (ICT) are analyzed on the basis of the survey results. The authors note the infrastructural, technological and professional gaps that arise in the conditions of digital education, justifies that the use of digital technologies in the educational process requires the development of a special digital concept at school and its systematic, systematic, phased implementation. Three practical steps are proposed to improve the professional qualifications of teachers in the conditions of digital education.
In order to implement teaching and learning using digital learning technologies, it is necessary to coordinate these processes and integrate them into the daily life of the school. Here the necessity of developing a framework plan for the development of media education is justified.



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