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  • A. FILATOVA Omsk State Pedagogical University
  • J. SHNAIDER Pavlodar Pedagogical University
  • B. ZHAPAROVA Pavlodar Pedagogical University
  • F. SHNAIDER L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University


remote, model, socialization, virtual personality, virtual reality, social space, individual.


The article substantiates the theoretical aspects of the remote model of socialization. Based on the psychological analysis of the theoretical provisions of socialization, the essence of the concept of the “remote model of socialization” is clarified. In the process of analysis, the relationship between the growing popularity of the virtual online space and the emergence of new types of social activities and forms of social interaction of individuals on the network is revealed, which in turn confirms that the virtual online space has become a dynamic new environment for the socialization of the individual. This theoretical approach allowed the authors of the article to substantiate the dynamic new environment of personality socialization as a remote model of socialization. The authors of the article theoretically substantiate the position that the remote model of socialization creates the conditions for a developing personality to manifest its social activity about social action or inaction, or a social act using the mechanism of social self-expression. This remote mechanism is also present in the real social space, but in the remote model of socialization, in a network, it acquires dominant relevance, prevails, and takes center stage. The authors of the article believe that in the conditions of the remote model of socialization, this mechanism will become the basis for constructing the virtual personality of the individual and its network social space and be the basis for the process of expanding the social experience of the individual in the real social space.



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