Teaching Students an Effective Methodology of Reproduction of Syringa Vulgaris in the Laboratory

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  • G.I. Isaev Khoja Akhmet Yassawi International Kazakh-Turkish University
  • D.B. Aptarbek Khoja Akhmet Yassawi International Kazakh-Turkish University


Syringa vulgaris, murashige-skuga nutrient medium, microclonal reproduction, explant, callus, technique, technology, in vitro, innovations.


This article describes the methods of identifying effective ways to study the
reproduction of the genus Syringa vulgaris in laboratory conditions in the laboratory of Akhmet Yassawi university and its introduction into the educational process at the University. At the present time, students are developing the ability to organize their practical work, demonstrating microclonal propagation of plants in the laboratory.
When conducting scientific research, morphological and control, comparative and measuring methods were used. Representatives of the siren family Syringa vulgaris were given the results of complex studies on the reproduction of valuable genotypes using biotechnological methods,
micropropagation and plant health improvement in the laboratory in vitro. It is recommended to study the results of the study in the syllabus of the discipline «Biotechnology» of the University in the amount of 1 hour.
During the study, students were formed the theoretical foundations of clonal micropropagation of plants, asexual reproduction in vitro. The optimal time for the introduction of the explant in vitro was determined. Under in vitro conditions, an effective method for disinfecting
shoots when growing lilacs with the introduction of plant explants into a nutrient medium is proposed. In the research conducted in the laboratory «Biotechnology» of Akhmet Yassawi University, 15 students of the group «ZhBI-811» in biology conducted a control of the ability to grow in the nutrient medium of Murasiga-Skuga explant lilac. The influence of genotypic
characteristics and hormonal composition of the nutrient medium on the cultivation of lilac shoots In vitro, the content of nutrient media in the root formation of lilac explants were revealed.
As a result of research work, effective methods of reproduction of microclone in general, based on the technology of reproduction of ornamental shrub lilac can be used as auxiliary tools for future specialists, students in the field of biology and the results of this work will be implemented in the content of the disciplines «Biotechnology», «Dendrology».



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