Formation of Mathematical Thinking in Students Using the Method of Mathematical Modeling

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  • Zh.D. Alibekova M. Auezov South-Kazakhstan University
  • G.P. Meirbekova Khoja Akhmet Yassawi International Kazakh-Turkish University
  • G.D. Qoshanova Khoja Akhmet Yassawi International Kazakh-Turkish University


mathematical modeling, mathematical thinking, mathematical concept, applied problem, problem with practical content.


This article indicates and describes the formation of students' skills in mathematical thinking, shows the connection of mathematics with other disciplines by solving problems with the practical content of the school mathematics course using the method of mathematical modeling.
The main goal of mathematics education is the intellectual development of students, the formation of thinking skills necessary for a person to live a full life in society. Therefore, in mathematics lessons, it is better to use pedagogical methods and technologies that develop students'
creative and critical thinking.
Modeling is an important tool for teaching students how to solve problems and understand the world around them. Simulation teaches the child in ways that allow him to independently work on solving problems. In a broad sense, a model is defined as a reflection of the most important properties of an object. When getting acquainted with the models of algebra and beginnings of analysis, students are shown that the connection between mathematics and its applications is carried out with the help of mathematical models.
Mathematical modeling shows that all components of mathematical thinking develop, for example, functional thinking, which is characterized by the sensation of the development of general and individual relations between mathematical objects or their properties, clearly visible in
connection with the idea of a function.



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