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  • I. SAGDULLAEV International University of Tourism and Hospitality
  • K. BERIKKYZY Khoja Akhmet Yassawi International Kazakh-Turkish University


English language, interval repetition, traditional method, effectiveness, individual lesson.


The twenty-first century is a century of information technology, globalization, global political, economic, religious and cultural integration. In this regard, English is the language of the whole world, and the number of English language learners is also increasing. English teachers have also been looking for teaching methods that are suitable for modern learners for many years. In this line, the current research work is aimed to identify the effectiveness of the interval repetition method on EFL learners’ vocabulary learning and compare the results of students using the interval repetition method and the traditional method in individual learning. In the research work, quantitative and qualitative methods were used, and an experiment was conducted. The study was conducted with the samples selected from 34 students both female and male gender. As a result of the study, there was a positive result in learning new vocabulary using the method of interval repetition among EFL learners in individual lessons, and an increase in the progress of learning the language among learners. The article shows that using this method is much more effective than learning new words using the traditional method. As a result of the study revealed the effectiveness of the interval repetition method in learning new vocabulary, the author recommended English teachers use this method in the teaching process.



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Yoonhee J. et al. Decomposing the interaction between retention interval and study/test practice: the role of retrievability // Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology. – 2012. – V. 65(5). – P. 962–975. doi: 10.1080/17470218.2011.638079

Hassanzadeh-Taleshi M., Yaqubi B., Bozorgian H. The effects of combining task repetition with immediate post-task transcribing on L2 learners’ oral narratives // The Language Learning Journal. – 2021. №4/1. – P. 1–12.

Aminatun D., Oktaviani L. Memrise: Promoting students’ autonomous learning skill through language learning application // Metathesis: Journal of English Language, Literature, and Teaching. – 2019. – Т. 3. – №2. – P. 214–223.

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Purgina M., Mozgovoy M., Blake J. WordBricks: Mobile technology and visual grammar formalism for gamification of natural language grammar acquisition // Journal of Educational Computing Research. – 2020. – Т. 58. – №1. – P. 126–159.

Seibert Hanson A.E., Brown C.M. Enhancing L2 learning through a mobile assisted spaced-repetition tool: an effective but bitter pill? // Computer Assisted Language Learning. – 2020. – Т. 33. – №1-2. – P. 133–155.

Aminatun D., Oktaviani L. Memrise: Promoting students’ autonomous learning skill through language learning application // Metathesis: Journal of English Language, Literature, and Teaching. – 2019. – Т. 3. – №2. – P. 214–223.

Uchihara T., Webb S., Yanagisawa A. The effects of repetition on incidental vocabulary learning: A meta‐analysis of correlational studies // Language Learning. – 2019. – Т. 69. – №3. – P. 559–599.

Phillips J.L. et al. Effectiveness of the spaced education pedagogy for clinicians’ continuing professional development: a systematic review // Medical education. – 2019. – Т. 53. – №9. – P. 886–902.

Ahmadian M.J., Mansouri S.A., Ghominejad S. Language learners’ and teachers’ perceptions of task repetition // Elt Journal. – 2017. – Т. 71. – №4. – P. 467–477.

Lotfolahi A.R., Salehi H. Learners’ perceptions of the effectiveness of spaced learning schedule in l2 vocabulary learning // SAGE Open. – 2016. – Т. 6. – №2. – P. 21–38. 17. Somani R., Rizvi M. Project based learning over traditional method of language teaching: A quasi experiment design in EFL classrooms // Literacy Information and Computer Education Journal (LICEJ). – 2018. – Т. 9. – №2. – P. 2895–2904. 18. Khan N.W. et al. A Comparative Study of Task Based Approach and Traditional Approach in English Language Teaching // Hamdard Islamicus. – 2020. – Т. 43. – №1. – P. 895–911.




