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  • B.T. KERIMBAYEVA K. Zhubanov Aktobe Regional University
  • Y.R. KERIMBEKOV South Kazakhstan State Pedagogical University
  • D.D. SAPARGALIYEVA K. Zhubanov Aktobe Regional University


network communication culture, transformation, replacement, improvement, teacher's communication culture, pedagogical communication, network community, training.


The article defines the meaning of the concept of transformation in accordance with the characteristics of various fields of science, clarifies the features of digital transformation for educational organizations. The levels of replacement, improvement, change and transformation of changes in pedagogical practice are determined, which are a clear manifestation of digital transformation in education. In addition, the role of communicative revolutions in the history of mankind is determined. The value of communicative culture is determined in the case of interaction between communication and culture. The communicative qualities of the individual, which form the basis of pedagogical relations, are studied. The meaning of the concepts communicative culture of the teacher, pedagogical communication, and intercultural communication is determined. The role of the components of the teacher's communicative culture in professional pedagogical activity is considered. The communicative culture of a teacher is defined as a set of cultural norms, knowledge and values, knowledge and skills used in the course of his personal and pedagogical communication, contributing to its effectiveness. As components of a communicative culture, it is based on the ability for interpersonal relationships, acceptance and respect for opinions, differentiation and presentation of arguments, discussion of problems, readiness to communicate harmoniously and politely with strangers. As a result of the rapid development of information and communication technologies, the Internet has had a positive impact on increasing access to information for education and teachers. The network communication direction of traditional communication theory is often discussed today in the focus of attention of researchers and scientists. The content of the ethical principles of communication on the Internet is specified through psychological, emotional, technical, decorative and administrative categories. In the article, pedagogical communication in the electronic environment is considered as a developing pedagogical scientific direction that studies the effective interaction of participants in the educational process in the electronic educational environment. The actual communication skills of the teacher in the context of digitalization of educational processes are systematized. The effective factors of using network communications in the educational space of higher education organizations are revealed. The effectiveness of the use of training technology in the development of a communicative online culture of future teachers is substantiated.



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