The Possibilities of Applying Didactic Principles in Teaching Geography

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  • С. Kumarbekuly Sarsen Amanzholov East Kazakhstan University
  • I. Gaisin Kazan Federal University


geography teaching, system-activity approach, didactic principles, active learning, self-education


The article describes the didactic principles of the formation of a system-activity approach in teaching geography. The forms and methods of teaching and conditions for the best use of didactic principles in pedagogical practice are considered.
The use of modern didactic opportunities in the educational process and the expansion of the diversity of the content of the studied material increase the motivation and interest of students in learning, create conditions for creative cooperation and competition, encourage students to self-esteem and self-esteem. A well-chosen didactic teaching principle ensures the development of students' personality through their involvement in various independent purposeful actions, forms universal educational goals and achievements that form the basis of the educational process. The article describes the didactic conditions and principles of the formation of a system-activity approach in teaching geography. The forms and methods of teaching and conditions for the best use of didactic principles in pedagogical practice are considered. The use of modern didactic opportunities in the educational process and the expansion of the diversity of the content of the studied material increase the motivation and interest of students in learning, create conditions for creative cooperation and competition, encourage students to self-esteem and self-esteem. A well-chosen didactic teaching principle ensures the development of students' personality through their involvement in various independent purposeful actions, forms universal educational goals and achievements that form the basis of the educational process. Therefore, the essence of education of the XXI century is to develop a reliable inner core and goal-setting skills in order to find their own way in an increasingly uncertain, dynamically developing, unstable and increasingly complex world through a system-activity approach and natural science literacy.
The principle of the system-activity approach is to form the personality of students and promote them in development when they perceive knowledge not in a ready-made form, but in the process of their own activities aimed at «discovering new knowledge». The technology of the system-activity method assumes the ability to extract knowledge by fulfilling special conditions in which students, relying on the acquired knowledge, independently discover and comprehend the educational problem.
The ability of students to apply school knowledge in life is the most important aspect of the system-activity approach, functional literacy and the necessary skills of modern school education.



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