On the Problem of Forming Reading Skills in Language Teaching

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  • А. Berdikulova
  • Ш. Kapantaykyzy


Reading skills, speech activity, language teaching methods, communicatively oriented learning, teaching methods.


Today it is important to study effective ways of organizing reading activity, identify ways to develop language learning techniques, determine the requirements for reading texts, and scientifically study the types of work with text that contribute to obtaining the final result. The article presents the results of a study of the role of reading in language acquisition – one of the types of speech activity associated with communicative competence. The analysis of scientific and methodological works on this topic, written in different years, is carried out. As a result of the analysis, the instructions and recommendations of scientists related to the development of reading skills were evaluated. In addition, this article discusses, from a scientific, theoretical and methodological point of view, effective ways and methods for developing reading skills, types of work on reading texts, teaching methods and requirements for reading texts. also analyzed a number of strategies to achieve good results in the development of reading skills of the student. Studies have shown that the method of developing reading skills should go beyond the individual work of the language learner and focus on the development of productive activities that lead to communication with others, allowing them to communicate.



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