A Method of Teaching Genetics Based on the Use of Genotoxic Studies

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  • B.S. Zhoshibekova Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University
  • А.А. Ramazanova Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University
  • А.А. Sartayeva the Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University
  • K.A. Zhumagulova Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University


genetic education, genotoxicity, mutation, Ames test, Salmonella


The purpose of this study is to give students the opportunity to develop their genetic knowledge, linking them with important problems of society. Interactive research-based teaching methods are widely used in genetic education. This allows you to determine the degree of interest of the student in the subject. A special place in teaching genetics is occupied by laboratory work. Laboratory work arouses interest, allowing students to engage in science using research methods. Modern students should learn how to use scientific models, calculate appropriate mathematical approaches and statistics to solve problems, as well as manage and integrate data. Given the importance of genetics for society, in this article we decided to focus on hemotoxins, an urgent problem at the present time. Having developed the Ames test, one of the test systems for determining genotoxicity, we focused on the features of teaching genetics. Laboratory experience helps students to control the influence of the surrounding world from hemotoxins, various factors on the processes of pollution, mutation, inheritance and, conducting the experiment, to understand mistakes, interpret the data obtained, draw the right conclusions. In this regard, interactive methods were used to consolidate the theoretical knowledge of students in the form of practice: cumulative brainstorming, minute reflection.



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