Archival Data of the Activity of Sericul Aldabergenov, which Began from the Alash Idea and Ended with Migration

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  • Kh. Tursun Khoja Akhmet Yassawi International Kazakh-Turkish University
  • А. Kabyl South Kazakhstan Medical Academy


Sеrikul Аldаbеrgеnоv, Alash movement, migration, Kazakhs who migrated to Tajikistan, repression of migration managers


The article, based on data from secret funds, restores the political activities of the representative of the movement Alash Serikula Aldabergenov, whose identity has not yet been investigated. Under the Soviet rule, the political activity of S. Aldabergenov, who participated in the First All-Kazakh Congress with М. Shokai in 1917, which held in Orinbor, took on the most difficult character. The fact that under colonial power he was a regional administrator is evidenced by archival data on the beginning of subsequent political repressions. S. Aldabergenov's documents from secret funds made it possible to reconstruct his biography and socio-political activities, which are still unknown. His commitment to the Alash idea was expressed as resistance to reforms of Soviet power in 1929–1934. He was one of the organizers of the migration of the population, who experienced pressure from the totalitarian authorities to Uzbekistan and Tajikistan from the south of Kazakhstan. This fact served as the basis for concluding that he was the leader. The article proposes the concept of formulating the phenomenon of migration, which has become one of the «white spots» in the history of the Fatherland.
The article presents a new conclusion regarding the phenomenon of migration, which has become one of the topical issues in Fatherland’s history. Data from secret funds in special archives made it possible to draw new conclusions about the history of migrations. It is proved that the transfer process was not spontaneous, but was organized with the involvement of Soviet leaders along with representatives of the traditional elite.



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