Ethnic history of the roksolans and alans

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  • M. Zholseitova Khoja Akhmet Yassawi International Kazakh-Turkish University
  • Akhmet Tаshagil Yeditepe University
  • К. Baimagambetov Khoja Akhmet Yassawi International Kazakh-Turkish University


Sarmatians, Roxolans, Alans, ethnonym, etymology


The article deals with the issues of ethnic origin of the tribes of the Early Iron Age Roksolans and Alans. These tribes are considered the largest tribes in the Sarmatian-Sauromatian tribal association. The role of the Roksolans and Alans in the history of Europe after their advance from the southern Ural Mountains and western regions of Kazakhstan to Europe was very significant. Some were among the first migrating tribes that conquered European Scythia and further complicated the history of Eastern Europe, while others were one of the tribes that traveled through Europe and reached North Africa, which led to the emergence of new historical processes. This article highlights the early information in the sources about the tribes that contributed to such significant historical events, the continuity of their ethnic roots with today's generation. In addition, ancient ancient data and opinions of various researchers of that time and modernity are presented in connection with this problem. The history of the ethnic origin is very important. Because the history of the ethnic origin of the Roksolans and Alans is considered an important part of the history of the formation of the Turkic peoples. That is why this article provides some information about the ethnic history of the Roksolan and Alan tribes, which are not studied much today.



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