The Image of Writers and the Author's Position in the Novel-essay by K. Yskak «The Illusion of the Past Days»

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  • Sh.A. Shortanbay


novel-essay, poetics, image, genre, portrait, style, writer


It is known that one of the genres of Kazakh literature, essays, appeared infrequently in the literature of the Soviet era. During the period of independence, within the framework of this genre, events and scenes in the Soviet space were described in detail, by the authors. Writers have used the rational side of the essay genre as a powerful way to analyze an idea in the context of artistic reality.

The article analyzes a novel-essay «Kelmes kunder elesi» («The illusion of the past days»), from two books, which is the result of the relationship between the novel and the essay by the outstanding writer Kalihan Iskak. He defines the features and poetic structure of the essay novel based on native literary criticism.

The essay novel analyzes how the author writes very eloquently and with a peculiar style about the events he witnessed, as well as about his views and thoughts. Memoirs of Kalikhan Iskak about himself, about his time, about his contemporaries, about the environment in which he grew up, as well as the memories of the inhabitants of his native land, which were collected to create a wonderful piece of art, served as the basis for writing the article. It is argued that the novel-essay of the writer is distinguished by artistic language, poetic narration and a peculiar style.

It is analyzed that the novel-essay is a valuable world telling about the tastes of childhood, unforgettable events, ghosts of the days of the people's life, reflecting the abundance of biographical facts and the breadth of the author's ideological channel, enriching Kazakh literature in artistic, genre, thematic, source studies, cognitive terms.

The concluding part says that the novel-essay of Kalikhan Yskak «Kelmes kunder elesi» («The illusion of the past days») is a valuable work that has enriched Kazakh literature in artistic, genre, thematic, documentary and cognitive terms.



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