Continuity of the Lexeme qïlïc «kylysh» with the Kazakh Language in the Written Monument «The Book of Korkyt Ata»

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  • A.R. Yershayeva L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University
  • A.B. Shaldarbekova L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University


Turkic, written monuments, weapons, sword, vocabulary, semantics, continuity.


This article examines the continuity of linguistic facts with the Kazakh language in the “The Book of Korkуt Ata” – one of the unique historical monuments of the Turks of the Middle Ages. “The Book of Korkut Ata” is a written monument of Turkic origin, originated in the 7-13th centuries among the Oguz-Kipchak tribes, spread by word of mouth and reached all peoples of Turkic origin. His language has preserved mainly the linguistic features of the 13-14th centuries. Although this monument has a high identity with the languages of the Oguz group, a small number of works studying phonological, lexico-semantic, pragmatic correspondence with the Kipchak languages indicates the relevance of this article. In general, the “The Book of Korkut Ata” provides information about the life, names, customs, traditions, beliefs and history of an entire nation. This meaningful aspect of language, that is, the description of the linguistic picture of the world generated by cumulative activity, requires consideration of historical facts from the requirements of modern times. In the book “The Book of Korkut Ata”, medieval written monuments, in general, a large number of historical weapons were used. Among them stands out the lexeme qïl:ïc “kylysh” (sword) is due to its versatile use and variety of semantic aspects. This is manifested in the high level of preservation of lexico-semantic, grammatical features of the studied word in the modern Kazakh language. This is a source of information describing the life of ancient nomadic. Turkic tribes who were engaged in horse breeding and often faced external enemies. Analyzing such historical facts as the the lexeme qïl:ïc “kylysh” (sword), it is possible to evaluate the historical vocabulary of the Kazakh language, restore the Middle Turkic vocabulary, the nature of the language and thereby the Turkic worldview.


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