Components and Psychological Characteristics of Soft Skills

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  • G. Nyiazova Khoja Akhmet Yassawi International Kazakh-Turkish University
  • K. Berkimbayev Khoja Akhmet Yassawi International Kazakh-Turkish University
  • G. Meyirbekova Khoja Akhmet Yassawi International Kazakh-Turkish University


skill, soft skills, components of soft skills, higher education, ICT, future specialist.


The development of soft skills is in the focus of attention of the world's largest companies and organizations, in particular, the Organization for Economic Development and Cooperation (OECD), the World Economic Forum (WEF). This is due to the fact that geopolitical and technological trends determine the skills that future specialists need to meet the requirements of the labor market. In the conditions of technological development of a dynamically developing modern society, radical changes in world education, expressed in the formation of a single educational space, the needs of the subjects of education have strengthened the requirements for higher education. As part of this process, new educational standards, a new system for assessing the quality of education are being introduced, modules of educational programs integrated with production are being developed. This, in turn, contributes to the search for the closest and optimal ways to form soft skills of graduates of higher educational institutions to real working conditions. Interdisciplinary direction plays a crucial role in almost all professional fields. The problem of the development of soft skills since the middle of the last century has been dealt with at various times by many scientists who consider and study the concept of soft skills in various aspects. This article, presented in this regard, substantiates the relevance of the formation of soft skills in future specialists. The definitions of the concepts of skill, soft skill, which have been studied and formulated in the fundamental research works of research scientists, are given. Classifications of scientists from far and near abroad by components of soft skills and their psychological component are systematized in the form of tables. As a result of the theoretical analysis, the authors identified the main components of soft skills, such as emotional intelligence, communication skills, critical thinking skills and leadership. The psychological features of the components of soft skills and their relationship are determined. The most important factors of the information and communication technologies (ICT) market are defined as technological development, continuous expansion of the ICT space, the need for a high level of soft skills. The importance of the formation of soft skills among graduates of higher educational institutions is shown.


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Mukmimnin A., Arif N., Fajaryani N., Habibi A. In Search of Quality Student Teachers in a Digital Era: Reframing the Practices of Soft Skills in Teacher Education // Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology-TOJET. – 2017. – №16(3). – P. 71–78.

Volkov A., Rishko Y., Kostyukhin Y., Sidorova E., Boboshko D., Savinova D., Ershova V. Using digital tools to teach soft skill-oriented subjects to university students during the COVID-19 pandemic // Education Sciences. – 2022. – №12(5). – P. 335–345.

Devedzic V., Tomic B., Jovanovic J., Kelly M., Milikic N., Dimitrijevic S., ... Sevarac Z. Metrics for students’ soft skills // Applied Measurement in Education. – 2018. – №31(4). – P. 283–296.

Varava I.P., Bohinska A.P., Vakaliuk T.A., Mintii I.S. Soft Skills in Software Engineering Technicians Education // Journal of Physics: Conference Series – IOP Publishing, 2021. – T. 1946. – №1. – P. 012–013. doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1946/1/012012

Andres A. How to develop professionally important soft-skills for IT-professionals by means of physical education? // Journal of Human Sport and Exercise. – 2021. – Vol. 16. – №3. – P. 652–661.

Caeiro-Rodríguez M., Manso-Vázquez M., Mikic-Fonte F.A., Llamas-Nistal M., Fernández-Iglesias M.J., Tsalapatas H., Sørensen L.T. Teaching Soft Skills in Engineering Education: An European Perspective. // IEEE Access. – 2021. – №9. – P. 29222-29242.

Stal J., Paliwoda-Pękosz G. Fostering development of soft skills in ICT curricula: a case of a transition economy // Information Technology for Development. – 2019. – Vol. 25. – №2. – P. 250–274.

Sgobbi F. The Skills of European ICT Specialists. // Encyclopedia of Information Science and Technology, Fourth Edition. – IGI Global. – 2018. – P. 4785–4796. DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-2255-3.ch415 [Electronic resource]. URL: (qaralgan kunі 15.01.2022)

Aničić K.P., Bušelić V. Importance of Generic Skills of ICT Graduates-Employers, Teaching Staff, and Students Perspective // IEEE Transactions on Education. – 2020. – Vol. 64, №3. – P. 245–252.

