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  • M.M. Akeshova International University of Tourism and Hospitality
  • E.M. Torbik Astrakhan State University
  • G.Zh. Baigabulova Korkyt Ata Kyzylorda University


strategic competence, information technologies, competence-based approach, effective methods and techniques of teaching English, communicative competence.


This article deals with some effective methods and techniques for the formation of strategic competence in teaching English based on the use of information technologies. Strategic competence as one of the main components of communicative competence refers to the ability to overcome difficulties in the process of communication in a foreign language (English). Strategic competence is the ability and skill to choose the most effective strategies (methods) for mastering the material and applying it in solving various communication problems. The formation of strategic competence in the process of teaching English makes it possible to choose and apply the most effective strategies for solving various problems in the communication process, and it should be pointed out that this process is more effective when using information technologies in the educational process. The formation of strategic competence in the process of teaching English based on information technologies involves mastering such general skills as drawing up a strategic plan for the implementation of a specific communicative task to improve communication in the future. The use of information technologies in the process of teaching English contributes to the growth of students' interest in the ability and willingness to take risks in communication situations to compensate for language knowledge or communication skills; the ability to use cognitive skills as well as improve communicative competence by asking clarifying questions about the language situation. English classes using information technologies in the process of developing strategic competence are distinguished by their diversity, efficiency and increased motivation of students to learn English.


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