Non-verbal Communication as an Indicator of the Cultural and National Specificity of a Literary Text

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  • V.D. Narozhnaya South Kazakhstan State Pedagogical University
  • N.K. Meiirbek South Kazakhstan State Pedagogical University
  • L.S. Kanayeva South Kazakhstan State Pedagogical University


gestures, facial expressions, non-verbal communication, national and cultural code, traditions, rituals.


The article is a description of the stylistic function of various means of non-verbal communication in literary texts. The authors objectify the idea that the mutual understanding of representatives of different ethnic groups involves both the acquisition of languages ​​and the awareness of cultural national codes that inform about native speakers and about the special ways of intercultural communication that are available. The scientific and practical significance of the study lies in the fact that the identification of national and cultural stereotypes of the mentality of ethnic groups in the modern globalized space is a socio-political, economic, psychological and historical factor in the formation of a nation as a linguistic community. The research methodology is based on a comparative analysis of Kazakh, Russian and non-linguistic forms of communication, the identification of full, partial equivalents in the compared languages ​​and the analysis of non-equivalent gestures, facial expressions, signs of non-verbal communication.

The value of the study is determined by the understanding that non-verbal forms of communication capture and reflect the social and cultural experience of the linguocultural community, are reflected both in the universal, common for all mankind, and in the unique, national-cultural, picture of the world, characterize the common and peripheral core, reflecting the national and cultural specifics of the Kazakh and Russian philosophical worldview and showing a unique perception of the surrounding reality. The practical significance of the results of the work is determined by the possibility of introducing this material into the teaching of disciplines of postgraduate education (master's and doctoral studies), which are associated with cognitive, intercultural, linguoculturological aspects of language learning: «Ethnolinguoculturology», «Russian language and intercultural communication», «Theory and practice of intercultural communication».


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