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  • S.S. Seitenova Baishev University


leadership behavior, student, professional competence, theory of leadership, leadership potential, value regulation.


This article contains the results of a pedagogical study on the development of leadership skills among students of higher educational institutions. The conceptual apparatus highlights such concepts as «leadership», «leadership behavior». Our study considers the social and activity aspect of the leadership behavior of students as future specialists. The theoretical part was made up of the scientific positions of such scientists as A.V. Petrovsky, N.V. Kuzmina, K. Levin and others. Practical part – the results of a pedagogical experiment conducted at Baishev University and K. Zhubanov Aktobe Regional University. Through leadership potential, in general, we understand that a person has a set of qualities that allow his behavior to stand out from others in more advantageous positions.

The main purpose of the authors is to disseminate the results obtained, to generalize the best pedagogical experience. The work used general scientific methods of scientific research: bibliographic search, collection and analysis of statistical data, ranking method, group discussion, survey, questioning, testing, etc. The methodology for determining leadership abilities (E. Zharikov, E. Krushelnitsky) and the «I am a leader» test (A.N. Lutoshkin), a sociological survey, became diagnostic methods.

The results of the study were a system of special work on the development of leadership behavior skills among students – a set of methods and techniques carried out in practical classes of academic disciplines, the functioning of the Young Leader School.


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