Application of the Virtual Museum Method in the Process of Analyzing Applied Art and Creative Works

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  • L.M. Umralieva M. Auezov South Kazakhstan University
  • A.K. Sabyrova Zhetysu University named after І. Zhansugurov


: virtual museum, art history demonstration, frame scenes, type of detail, three-dimensional scene, virtual museum method.


The article presents the results of the research and the art history, educational possibilities of the virtual museum method. The exhibits of art in the museum are classified depending on consumer, technical, form, machine-tool features. For residents and students living away from the centers of the Museum of Art, the art history opportunities and needs of the virtual museum are open. The features of the art exhibits in the museum, criteria and methods of their analysis, content, program, methods of presentation of works of art to future teachers are presented. The virtual museum is recognized as an art criticism method, an innovative phenomenon in modern research. The advantage of the virtual museum method, as opposed to traditional methods, is revealed for students. The theoretical and practical significance of using the museum method in universities is described. The study substantiates the process of ensuring the introduction of a virtual museum to national cultural values as an art criticism opportunity, consistency, art criticism and methodology.

 Artistic analysis and art history demonstration by the virtual museum method includes the direction of: analysis of the idea of the work, composition, color, volume of space, technique of execution. During the analysis of the artistic features of applied art products, students are provided with information about the product such as: consumer goods, shaping, material processing, technology, ergonomics, decorative design of the product, year of manufacture, region and master. In the course of the study of the effectiveness of the application of this method in practice, the proposed content, model, program, methods of preparing a future teacher to use the virtual museum method is determined by the expertise of prepared esperts, based on the results of experimental verification. Conclusions are presented on indicators, signs with the content of the formation of a new quality in the training of future teachers by the virtual museum method.


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