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  • А.В. Mukhamedzhanova Khoja Akhmet Yassawi International Kazakh-Turkish University


Turkic peoples, children's poetry, innovative technologies, didactics, heuristic methods of teaching, cognitive teaching methods.


This article considers the innovative and technological features of teaching humanity disciplines, including Kazakh literature, with the orientation of the teaching process in the higher education system to national values at the present time.

The innovative and technological features of innovative teaching of children's poetry of the Turkic nations at the beginning of the twentieth century are studied. It is determined that the core of the children's poetry of the Turkic peoples awakens in modern youth the desire to know the deep history of our roots. In teaching of literature in higher educational institutions, the emphasis on the educational power of artistic works is placed on modern approaches to understanding the meaning of the art of words, fiction in the upbringing of personality in some cases, when in the era of modern globalization the human being is changing, moving away from spirituality.

The article deals with the possibility of dividing classes into several groups, depending on the traditional and non-traditional nature in the modern education system. In the training of philologists, specialists in language and literature in higher vocational education, the following several general didactic principles of teaching literature (consistency and accessibility, activity of teaching literature, etc.) and heuristic methods of teaching, cognitive teaching methods are analyzed.

This article considers the classification of scientists-methodologists’ principles in teaching disciplines in the process of education system: 1) methodological principles; 2) scientific principles; 3) psychological principles; 4) individual didactic principles.

Methods of solving creative problems are divided in two groups (logical and heuristic). Features of the classification of heuristic methods of teaching are considered. Classification of cognitive methods of teaching into scientific methods, disciplines, metasubject methods and creative methods of teaching are pointed out.


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