Some Questions about the Territories Inhabited by Sauromato-Sarmatian Tribes

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  • B.S. Sizdikov Khoja Akhmet Yassawi International Kazakh-Turkish University
  • M. Gursoy Khoja Akhmet Yassawi International Kazakh-Turkish University
  • A.A. Seraliyev L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University


nomadic tribes, Sauromates, Sarmat, Sak, Eurasia, South Ural, kurgan, burial tradition.


In the early Iron Age, the brave Savromat-Sarmatian tribes, dexterous horsemen, well-aimed archers were known in history as «nomadic tribes of horsemen». they occupied a special place in the history of Eurasia. They led a nomadic lifestyle and formed a kind of nomadic culture. The historical evidence suggests that these tribes lived on a large territory in the east from the southern Ural Mountains, in the west to the Danube River. Due to the migration of these tribes to the west, in written sources before the IV century BC is frequently occur the name «Sauromate», and in written sources after the IV century BC – the name «Sarmata». Moreover, in the oldest religious book of the Iranians the Avesta» these tribes known as «Sarima». Now among scientists and researchers the issues of the Sauromat-Sarmatian tribes’ origin, the territory of their land and their political history are still one of the problems that have not found a common solution. For these reasons, this article examines the inhabited territria of the Savromat-Sarmatian tribes, and scientific conclusions are made on the basis of written data and archaeological data. In addition, the article analyzed and established a connection with political history based on written data on the campaigns of these tribes to the West.


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