Problems of Definition of Gender Inequalities in Kazakhstan

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  • G.A. Shadinova Khoja Akhmet Yassawi International Kazakh-Turkish University
  • G.B. Dayrabaeva Khoja Akhmet Yassawi International Kazakh-Turkish University


Kazakhstan, woman, gender inequality, work, independence, society, family, professional career.


This article discusses the issues of determining gender inequality in Kazakhstan. In our time, it is important to consider the issue of gender within the framework of the traditional worldview. Because the processes and stereotypes about the social role of the sexes are formed on the basis of ingrained ideas that are passed down from generation to generation. It is indisputable that ideas about the equality of men and women are preserved in the long history of the development of society through historical, economic and social aspects.

This article was based on the principles of objectivity, historicity, consistency and scientificity in terms of research methodology. In the same way, the problem we are considering was taken from the maximum possible objective point of view. The study of real data was carried out on the basis of well-known methods of analysis and collection, systematization and comparison in scientific research. Based on the results of this study, it was found that the contribution of women to the growth and development of Kazakhstan, the introduction of democratic traditions and the formation of culture in each case is significant. The development of women is shown not only in the family, but also in society, the development of their spiritual and social knowledge and the achievement of scientific achievements. In the conditions of modern democracy, the market and the information space, the issues of how to understand the traditional behavior of women and how to maintain the attractiveness of activities returning to the new situation were considered. As a result, women demonstrate their maturity at work, increase their professional competence, choose their own direction in partnership, increase trust in trade, and thanks to state support for the development of gender equality, it can be said that Kazakhstani women can become an indispensable people in both areas.


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