A Phenomenologıcal Approach to Hajj Worshıp ın Islam

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  • Kamil Yasharoglu Khoja Akhmet Yassawi International Kazakh-Turkish University


Phenomenology, worship, phenomenology of worship, pilgrimage, Kaaba, tawaaf, Arafat.


The phenomenon of worship exists in every belief system and religious culture. This phenomenon occurs in different forms. The main feature of this phenomenon is taking refuge in God or a supernatural being, glorifying him and expressing his helplessness in front of him, etc. to perform certain behaviors with emotions.

The worship of pilgrimage, which means visiting the holy places for religious purposes, has had an important place in belief systems throughout history. Hajj is one of the basic conditions of Islam. This worship started with Abraham inviting people to Mecca for pilgrimage and determining the practices in the pilgrimage and has survived to the present day.

The phenomenology of religion is a branch of science that studies the sacred, the forms of worship and rites of religions, the sacred space, time, objects and persons. As a field of this science, phenomenology of worship examines the phenomenon of worship in religions. According to scholars who have touched on this issue in the history of Islamic thought, worship has a form and meaning. The essence of worship is present in their meanings. Hajj is performed at special times and in special places. In this worship, the phenomena such as Kaaba (tawaf), Safa and Merve (sa'y), Arafat and wakf, Satan stoning have symbolic and spiritual meanings as well as their shape features.


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