Bibliography History of the Development of Mass Media Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan

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  • G. Tazhibayev Khoja Akhmet Yassawi International Kazakh-Turkish University


Constitution, Mass communication, Freedom of expression, press law, radio-television law, audit.


In order for the pluralistic system in radio and television broadcasting, that is, the mixed system, to function according to democratic rules and with the understanding of public service, it is necessary to mention the freedom of expression (right to speech) first. Freedom of expression is one of the cornerstones of pluralistic democracies. Freedom of expression as a sine qua non condition of democracy holds an important place in public life.

When examining the historical developments of the Constitution and the law of mass communication, only freedom of expression will be considered from the point of view. Due to the fact that the main field of study is not law, the concepts of freedom of expression have been discussed in the legal concepts without going into too much detail to form the main framework of the subject. Therefore, freedom of expression, communication law, political science and communication are synthesized in this study.

The Republic of Kazakhstan is a state established in 1991 after seceding from the former Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR). In this respect, the government developments from the Communist system of the mass media to the present day have been discussed.

The freedom of expression and speech and the freedom of mass communication are constitutionally guaranteed by the Republic of Kazakhstan (Article of the Constitution of Kazakhstan.20). In this way, the society is informed about the events that are developing thanks to mass media, is informed, has fun and has the opportunity to educate itself.

Despite the guarantee of freedom of expression in the Constitution, the broadcaster cannot fully prepare and broadcast the programs it currently wants for the freedom to organize an unlimited program in Kazakhstan. Here, it is seen that the country has achieved independence by getting rid of the 70-year colonial policy and that regime change is an important factor. In this context, it is necessary to establish an impartial, independent and autonomous regulatory and supervisory supreme council in Kazakhstan in the Western manner.


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